Tag Archives: Music

A Wonderful Experience

Last night I had a wonderful experience.  I attended a Band Invitational.  In case you have never attended one, it is like a band show.   Four of the marching bands in our county, put on a show.

At the 1st Annual Bedford County Invitational, each band performed a 12 – 15 minute routine, each band did pep music in the stands twice and then at the end all four bands were on the field together playing four numbers.

Lots of entertaining music was enjoyed by the community.

My son is a member of the Tussey Mountain Marching Band.  He plays the trumpet.   You can hear the trumpets in this short video.

When the bands came on the field together, it was impressive just to view.

all bands

Then they started playing!  Let me tell you four bands playing the same music at the same time as one huge band was mighty impressive.  Listen to video below for yourself.

I have always loved music, all kinds of music from classical to country.  Last night was such a treat.  They sounded so good; I had to keep reminding myself these were kids in grades 7 – 12.

I am so thankful for the band director and assistants who give countless hours to help our students to learn how to play their instruments, march, and do both at the same time, and make beautiful music.   Plus they make each member feel like they are important.   The band is like one big family.   I’m so thrilled my son chose to be a part of that family.   His time in band is coming to an end, but the lessons learned and the feelings of belonging will carry on throughout his life.

Three cheers for the band!

I would love to hear about your band experiences. Do you enjoy band music?  Were you a band member?  What instrument did you play?  Any lessons learned you can share?