Tag Archives: Cookie

Aunt Vivian’s Sand Tarts

My husband, Michael,  makes these Sand Tarts every year and they are to die for!

Michael loves Sand Tarts.   My Aunt Vivian used to make them and send some to my mom.  She would share a few with us and my husband loved them and asked her for the recipe.

Aunt Vivian provided it on a hand-written card. (One of those items you will treasure for years to come.) Michael has made them every year since.

Sand tart recipe

They are not difficult, but time-consuming to make.  They taste so good, it is worth every second.

When Michael gives them away or takes them to an event, everyone loves them and often asks for the recipe.


  • 2 lbs. of Brown Sugar
  • 1 lb of Butter
  • 3 Eggs
  • 5 Cups of Flour
  • 1 Egg White
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar


  1. Mix brown sugar and softened butter together.  Beat well until creamy.
  2. Add 3 eggs and Mix well.
  3. Add flour, one cup at a time and mix.  (It is sometimes easier to knead with your hands)
  4. Flour your hands and a cutting board.
  5. Break dough apart and roll into 5 or 6 logs.
  6. Wrap each log in Press and Seal and refrigerate at least an hour.
  7. When ready to bake preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  8. Cut each log into thin slices and place on a lightly greased (or use Pam)  cookie sheet.
  9. Beat egg white
  10. Brush beat egg white on each cookie.Sand Tart Recipe
  11. Mix sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle on each cookie.
  12. Place a pecan on top.
  13. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees until light brown.
  14. Cool two minutes before removing from cookie sheet.
  15. Place on rack or cloth to cool.Sand Tart Recipe
  16. Store in an airtight container in a cool place or freeze.

Enjoy your treat!

Aunt Vivan
Vivan Reed

My Aunt has since passed away.  So thankful we have her recipe for these special cookies.  I think of my aunt when my husband makes them and every time I eat one of them.

Aunt Vivians Sand Tarts Printable Version

Sand Tart Recipe