Tag Archives: Class Reunion

35th Year Class Reunion – How Is That Possible?

2013-11-02 20.14.05
Kathy and Gloria

Thirty five years ago, I was a recent graduate, going to college and thinking that a 35 year reunion was so far in the future it wasn’t even possible to think about.    Heck that was ages away!  And now here we are, last night I celebrated with my classmates, our 35th year reunion.


TM Class of 78
TM Class of 78

It was a nice evening .  Enjoyed catching up with people and finding out what they were up to.

Kevin, Larry, Lester, and Brian

Wish we were able to get more classmates to attend.   Out of 118  classmates, 36 attended the event.   We had a great time, but would love to see the other 82 classmates.

Ladies in Red
Annie and Clea

If any of those classmates just happen to find this page..please consider attending in 2018. By then we will be pushing 60 and it would be great to have a huge turnout for our 40th Reunion.  We want to see YOU!

To all those classmates who attended, thank you for being there and helping to make the evening a memorable one!  I value your friendship.