Tag Archives: Inspiration

29 Ways to be More Awesome: Awesomization Nation

I’m a proud member of the Awesomization Nation!

Pround Member of Awesomization Nation
Women are on the go!  Hustling to run a family, earn money, spend time with the hubby, help others when needed, and the list goes on.   They make time for everyone but themselves.   Maybe it is time to do something for yourself.

Women are awesome!  Yes, that includes YOU. YOU are an amazing person and you don’t give yourself enough credit.  YOU need to take some time for yourself.

I’m joining a group of women in a challenge titled, Awesomization Nation!

The goal is to do something for yourself every day.   You also have the opportunity to do something for your business if you have one and for the world.   We believe that you can awesomize your life by making small positive changes for 30 days.

Anyone Can Be Awesome!

With all the negativity on the news and  the election, I’m pumped to be doing something positive.

I believe that through tiny actions, we can become better happier people and totally make the world a better place. (Maybe even grow our businesses,)

Through  tiny actions, we start to see tiny impacts. And when we continue with these actions we see larger impacts. And, through more intentional actions and the support of a community of other hopeful, hard-working, positive people like YOU – a movement can happen.

What Kind of Actions?

So what kinds of tasks will you be doing for the 30-day challenge from September 1-30, 2016? In the end, that’s up to you.

You will be provided with plenty of ideas, inspiration, and amazing people to be awesome with during the challenge. All you have to do is pick one thing per day and do it.

For instance…

In the “Awesomize your Life” Category some (11) tasks to choose from might be:

  • Make sure you eat breakfast every day.
  • Drink a green smoothie every morning.
  • Spend 15 minutes talking with your spouse without interruption.
  • If you’re in the grocery store today, pick one fruit or veggie that you’ve never tried before, purchase  it and enjoy it.
  • If family dinners are not the norm, cook a nice dinner for all to enjoy.
  • Is there an area of your house that drives you crazy with clutter? Take 15 minutes declutter.
  • Find a new hobby.
  • Spend 15 minutes reading a book.
  • Take a long relaxing bath.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Enroll in a class.  Exercise, cooking, etc.

In the “Awesomize your Business” Category, a task (9) might be:

  • Create a new product
  • Take your smart Phone outside and do a quick Facebook live video for your business. Start with an intro of your name & URL, a quick message or story, and a call to action. Just give it a try.  Everyone starts somewhere.
  • Connect with a guest blogging opportunity that you’ve been drooling over. Awesome you sure would!
  • Maybe you don’t have a blog yet and want to start one…now is the time.
  • Find a product you truly believe in and take a stab at affiliate marketing.
  • Make a spreadsheet of all the products you have purchased and their logins, etc.   When you go to buy something you can refer to it
  • Clean off your desk.
  • Write 500 words towards your book every day for the whole month.
  • Create a presentation.

In the “Awesomize the World” Category, a task (9) might be:

  • Send a card to someone you haven’t connected with in a while.
  • Go through your old clothes that you know don’t fit just right and try to find 5 things that you won’t miss. Put them in your car today. Donate them this week.
  • Got hotel soaps laying around? Grab them all and put them in a bag. Sometime this week, swing them by a battered women’s shelter. They need them. When they leave an abusive situation in the middle of the night in nothing but their clothes, a bar of soap is a luxury and the first step to “normal” again.
  • Spend a day working at a food bank.
  • Volunteer at an animal shelter.
  • Sign up to be on a committee at church.
  • Call a friend and catch up.
  • Pick up trash along the road.
  • Visit the elderly in a nursing home.

So How Does This Work?

Everyone will connect in a private Facebook group where Nicole will give you an opportunity to share how you’ve been Intentionally Awesome every day.  Imagine the inspiration we’ll all find in what everyone’s up to.  It will be a cascade of Awesomeness – with absolutely no negativity allowed.

Awesomization Nation

As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive the “Quick Start Guide to Being Awesome”, a printable Awesomization tracker, a printable Vision Board, and a printable Dream-setting page.

Then, starting day 1, you’ll receive access to a Daily Dose of Awesome with ideas to awesomize your life, your business, and the world. These will be private pages on my site where I’ll share videos, links, and task ideas. Choose one per day in each area and we’ll be rocking in no time.

We start on September 1st, 2016 and will continue our awesomeness through September 30th. (Don’t worry if you see this late and miss the first few days, lots of people will still be joining!)

At the end of the 30 days, we hope doing awesome becomes a habit for you.

Your investment to make a positive change:

Only $10 today (but will be $17 soon) Price increase on Monday.

All this for the very low, low price of $10, plus at the end of the month, you will be way more awesome!

Nicole is practically giving this product away, because she wants to change the world. Each of us doing a small part can make that happen.

The only reason she is  charging at all is because she wants genuine people involved. She wants the group to be full of people willing to go the extra step (and not just whine about all the things that are bad.  No negative people permitted!).

Are you game?   Will you consider joining me and many, many more who are taking this challenge?

If you are interested….click on the link Awesomization Nation Challenge.

If you decide to join, please leave a comment so I know you are participating with me and I can help cheer you on.

You are already awesome my friend, but I’m convinced we can all be even more awesome!

Here’s to a more awesome YOU!