Happy New Year!
Wow….2019 zipped by. The ball has dropped and we are now in 2020.
I am wishing you and your family a wonderful 2020! I hope it is full of fun, adventure, love, and making wonderful memories.
2019 provided many wonderful memories for my family. The year was full of travel and fun!
Last year for Christmas, we gave my son and his girlfriend the gift of a cruise. So in January, we enjoyed a cruise to the Grand Cayman and Mexico. It was wonderful! Hope we can take them again in the future. A picture from the trip was on our Christmas Card this year.

In April, I attended two conferences. The Influencer Entrepreneur Academy with Jenny Melrose in North Carolina and the Beachpreaner Camp at Beach in Florida. My friend Cynthia attended Beachpreaner cam and we added an extra day to make a visit to see Mickey Mouse at Disneyworld.

May was the wonderful Women in Travel Summit. It was my second year attending. The first year was in Quebec City. (Love that place) last year it was in Portland Maine. Did you know Portland has over 600 restaurants! I only got to try about 12 of them! I enjoyed a food tour while in Portland that hit about 8 different places. One of the places provided us with Duck Fries. French Fries cooked in Duck Grease.

June was a visit to Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona. I love that place. Stayed at a Marriott that was cute little bungalows. I did a review of the hotel. While there I attended Bloghouse. It was an intimate blogging workshop.
In September I attended FinCon in Washington DC. Fincon is a financial conference for bloggers. And then I visited Montana to attend TBEX (Travel Blogger Expo) It was amazing and Mike and I added a few extra days to visit Glacier National Park. We arrived a day before the closing of the Going to the Sun Road for construction. While in Montana we also stayed at a Hot Spring.

October was cruise month! We flew to Quebec City and boarded the Caribbean Princess for a cruise around eastern Canada and the New England States and then rode the train from New York to Huntingdon. It was a fun trip with three of Michael’s fraternity brothers. In 2018 we cruised them to Alaska. Next year, January 0f 2021, we are planning a Panama Canal cruise.

We were home for three days and then took off for Europe. We flew to Genoa, Italy to board the MSC Presiosa to cruise in the Mediterranian. On the cruise we visited France, Spain, Morocco, and Portugal before returning to Italy. This cruise was with some high school friends as we celebrated a big birthday. Bert, a foreign exchange student in my graduating class of 1978 celebrated his 18th birthday here in the states. He has returned almost every year since then to visit. He came back to the states to celebrate his 50th and at his party he said, “You can come visit me for my 60th.” So we did. We all went on a cruise. What a fun time!

When we returned, it was time to start thinking about the holidays! We stayed close to home to enjoy time with family and friends.
2019 was a great year for us. It was my first full year of working for myself and not having a JOB that determined my schedule. We made the most of it!
So what will 2020 hold? More travel I’m sure. We already have several trips and one cruise planned for the current year. But I don’t think we will travel quite as much. I have lots of pictures and notes for my travel writing and need to write.
Check back to this site often to find out what is happening and where we are traveling next.