This taking your kid to college thing is not for sissies! I mean it is difficult, gut wrenching and emotional. Today is the day! I wanted this summer to go so slow…instead it went very, very fast. The entire past year has just been one whirlwind.While I am thrilled Neal has turned out to be such a bright, talented, academically gifted young man that I know will do fantastic at college, (I’m pretty sure he will thrive there!) It is tough to drop him off and say goodbye.
Yes, I know he is only 40 miles from home and I can easily get in a car and go see him if I need to, it is still not the same. He will be living under a different roof. Making all of his own decisions, being responsible for himself on a day to day basis.
We have done our job and he knows how to wash clothes, cook food, and clean a bathroom, run the sweeper, etc. I have no doubt he can survive. So that is not a worry. I know he has a great head on his shoulders and he has always made good decisions, especially in regard to selecting friends, peer pressure, drinking and drugs. I have no reason to think that will change, so I feel blessed not to have a lot of worries in that area.
I guess just knowing it is going to be a change, a big change for all of us is unsettling and emotional.
I’m happy he is an independent kid and wants to pursue new opportunities. I want him to do that and more! I’m even happy to have a bit more time to myself.
It is the saying goodbye to his childhood, and to the boy that stole my heart before he was born that is difficult!
When he is not home, the house just feels so empty.
Maybe there is a fear that not only the house will be empty, but I will be empty without him around.
I know that is not the case but I just have to say…Taking Your Child to College is NOT for “Sissies”!
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