Last month everyone was writing about their word for the year. My friends had words like replenish, abundance, balance, focus, etc. Several words swirled in my mind, but none of them really fit. As time has gone on, I have planned out my year and the things I am focusing on and realized my word is a simple one. My word for the year is “growth”.
I want to grow my business, grown my email list, grow my facebook page, grow my Pinterest followers, grow my skills, grow my affiliate marketing, and grow my profits. A lot of growing! This won’t all happen at once. Everything takes time.
For the past year, I have been focusing on my ghostwriting for other bloggers. They have got my best work and all my time. It is profitable and I enjoy it. But now I need to spend some time on my own blog and my own business. I will still be writing for others and taking on new clients but I am also treating my blog as a client.
I am committed to growth and I wrote all my numbers down so I can compare and make sure I am growing each month.
I am committed to proving to myself this can be done!
I will be posting my progress back to this page throughout the year. Come back and cheer me on! Please!
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