Category Archives: Travel

Check Out These Rainbow Pictures

I love to see rainbows. Getting a great picture of rainbows is sometimes difficult.
Several weeks ago on my way home from work, It was raining and the sun was shining.  I looked up and ahead of me was the most beautiful rainbow. 
I was driving and wondered how I was going to capture this rainbow on camera before it disappeared.
I took one with my phone but I was in a small town and the picture didn’t look too great.

I drove a little further and kept taking pictures through my windshield as I drove.  I found another camera in my purse and tried to take some pictures with it too.

Found It

Finally, I found a place to pull off and I was able to get out and take a few more shots.
Rainbows are so beautiful and they remind me of God’s promise to never destroy the earth.  I always feel very comforted when I see a rainbow.
So what about you, have you ever taken pictures of rainbows?   What do rainbows mean to you?