New Year’s is a time for new beginnings. A fresh start and improving your life. Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? You might be thinking…my life is already great! And that is wonderful for you if it is, but there is usually something that can be improved upon.
I made several resolutions that I am determined to keep. Some are pretty fun. Some will take work. But all will contribute to a better me and a better life by the end of 2020.
I’m hoping by posting my resolutions here, it will help me to stick to them. Just a tad bit of accountability.
Note Regarding Resolutions
Just a note regarding resolutions: They don’t have to be things you dislike doing. Like dieting. It can be things you enjoy but don’t do often enough. Things you long to do but never make time for.
Last year one of my resolutions was to get more sleep. I had been working full-time and running a part-time business, plus all the other stuff and I was running on 4 or 5 hours of sleep routinely. That isn’t good and I knew it. so one of my goals for 2019 was to get more sleep. And I’m happy to say I succeeded.
Another resolution I made was to spend more time with friends. I knew leaving a full-time job, I would need to work to keep those friendships intact. Also, I needed to work on cultivating new friendships. I partially succeeded with this but didn’t do as good a job as I would have liked.
Both of these are fun goals and improve my quality of life. There is no need to worry about making goals that are negative or you hate the thoughts of. Get creative and pick something you will look forward to doing.
My Resolutions
So here we go with my 2020 resolutions:
1. Do something fun at least once per month.

I have found that it is very easy to get into the habit of work, work, work. Especially when I know I have travel coming up. I feel like I have to work non-stop to stay ahead of things for while I am gone.
While that is true, I don’t want to leave clients hanging, I need to include some routine fun. So that is my first goal.
Finding fun activities to do with friends and family that make me laugh and take my focus off of work is the goal.
2. Entertain once per month.
I love to entertain and have friends and family here. I usually have a July 4th picnic, Thanksgiving, and something over Christmas. But I want to up the anty here and entertain at least 12 times this year. It doesn’t have to be big, it can be just inviting a couple for dinner or sharing a campfire with friends. But I want to entertain more and entertain a more varied group of people.
3. Lose 25 pounds.
It would be better for my knees and my overall health if I lost weight. I’m a junk food addict. I like anything sweet. Salty too! My friend Bert introduced me to IF, Intermittent Fasting in November. It was much easier than I thought. I didn’t think I could do it for a day. But after a week I started thinking I can do this long term. So it has been 7 weeks and I’ve stuck to it except for two nights which I planned for.

What I like about it, it isn’t a diet. I can eat anything I want, including fudge, cookies, etc. during my eating time. I just have to stop eating at a certain time. The last time I had weighed myself, I had lost 8 pounds. That was the week of Christmas. So I’m planning to stick with this till I lose 25 additional pounds. It may take all year and that is OK….I just, for the first time, feel like I can do this.
4. Write one post per week.

It doesn’t have to be for the same blog, but I want to write at least one post per week. It would be great if I could write one for each blog, but I will be happy with just a post. If you decide to check out my progress, you can see my other posts on these sites, Expert Content Creation, Be Social, Get Success, and A Touch of Luxury Travel.
5. Travel Article or Guest Post per month.

This is sort of self-explanatory. And I have been writing restaurant review posts for the last 6 months with 2 posts per month on TheYums. It is a restaurant review site that I contribute to. But I want to add another article or guest post per month to the mix. Posts similar to the one I just did in December on Travel Awaits.
6. Work Standing Up at least 30% of the time.
I asked for a Stand-up desk for Christmas. Santa Claus Michael made sure I got what I wished for. I have begun using it and I do notice a difference. So my goal is to use it at least 30% of the time I am working. As my body adjusts to standing more, I may be able to increase it. But I think 30% is a good place to start.
So there you have it. My resolutions 2020. What do you think of them? Did you make resolutions? If so, share them in the comments below. We can encourage each other.