Category Archives: Family

Our House Is Too Quiet!

Our house is too quiet.  The silence is deafening.  Silence so loud it screams to me that something is missing.  In this case it is someone!

Neal left for college about a month ago.  You would think I would be used to him being gone.  But I’m NOT!

What I Miss
Neal Smith
Neal Smith

No laughter from a group of boys in the basement.  No music from his bedroom.  No yelling at the TV or video game. No music from the shower, no movement in the house.    Mike is in the basement working on a model train and I ‘m in my office writing.  It is just too quiet!

It isn’t like we were together all the time when my son was home.   Usually in the evenings he would be in his room and I would be in my office.  Several times during the evening he would come down or I would go up to his room to touch base, talk, or just see each other. (Usually when he needed a snack!)

Sometimes hours would slip by without us seeing or talking to each other, but I knew he was there, in our home.

Now there is nothing!  No sound, whatsoever.  It is silent.

I’m Not Bored

I try to stay busy.  I have lots of work to do and many back projects I have put off still waiting to be tackled.  So the chance of me just sitting around bored is slim.

I want him to live at college.  He is close enough he could commute. From personal experience, I know you miss a great deal of the college experience if you live at home.   His living at college was a choice and one I encouraged.  He needed more independence.

I’m happy for him, I just miss him.

Some people long for silence, I have had enough.  I miss Neal.

I miss his smile, his dry humor, his laughter, his voice, his bear hugs.  I just miss him.

My home is just too quiet!

Have you gone through this?  How did you deal with the “sound of silence”?   Let a comment below and share your thoughts.