Category Archives: Family

Traveling With Teens

Disclosure Vote for Travel

Traveling with teens and young adults can be a fun and interesting adventure!  From chaperoning and accompanying large school groups to inviting teens to vacation with us, our family has enjoyed traveling with teens and young adults.

vft teens

Trips and activities that might otherwise be boring are interesting and exciting with younger people along.   From accompanying someone on their first plane ride, to evening game nights  in the beach house, to introducing teens to new foods at restaurants, the trip takes on a new flavor when you share it with a group of young adults.

There are some secrets to making traveling with teens a success.  Today I share those secrets over on Word Traveling  in the “Vote For Travel” series.  My guest post, Vote for Travel with Teens provides you with 25 tips to make your next trip with a young adult more enjoyable.

Click the image below to read the rest of my post:

Vote For Travel


