Category Archives: Memories

Saying Goodbye To My Gram

This is about someone very special to me. My Grandmother, Dorothy Figard.
She passed away May 18, 2011.

Saying Goodbye To My Gram

My gram wasn’t just a grandmother; she was one of my biggest fans and a friend. In her mind, she always thought I could do just about anything.
Even after her death, an hour before her funeral, when I was asked to say a few words during the ceremony, I didn’t think I could do it without falling apart, but I did, because I knew she would think I could and I wanted to pay her the respect of saying a few things.
Someone who lived 86 years on this earth deserved some personal words and anecdotes about their life.

 Angel On Earth

My grandmother was an “Angel on Earth.” Not that she was perfect and never did anything wrong, just that she was there for so many people over the years. I feel God puts us here and he decides how long we get to stay. We were so blessed he allowed my gram to be a blessing here on earth for 86 years.


I have lots of great memories of my gram, but the first one I can remember is riding in a car with her and my pap. I must have been about four. She had long, dark, wavy hair and red lipstick and the wind was blowing her hair back (before cars had air were down) and she was so beautiful.

I can remember her making me Rice Krispie Treats and fudge.

I can remember that she always had the tiniest ankles.

When I was growing up and in my teens…she was certainly my biggest fan, almost to the point of being obnoxious.

She told everyone in the town what a wonderful person I was and about all of my accomplishments. She ran a pizza shop/coffee shop and everyone in town knew her and they ALL knew about me!

When my pap passed away we had a lot of long talks. She loved him dearly and missed him so much. I would always talk about what I remembered about him and that made her happy…that someone still wanted to talk about him.

Sports Fan

My Gram was a huge Pittsburgh sports fan. She loved the Pirates, Steelers, and the Penguins. She would get so involved she would swing her “terrible towel” and yell at the TV when they made a mistake.

She was so excited one time when her team made an outstanding play that she flipped her chair. She had a shoulder injury and had to have several months of physical therapy.

I cannot remember my grandmother ever being mad, except for when players messed up big time during sporting events.

I would plan my visits to her around the sports schedule, because if sports were on….she just couldn’t pay attention to anyone else.

Neal Came Along

When my son, Neal was born, she thought he was the best thing since “sliced bread.” She loved when I would take him to visit and he enjoyed spending time with her. They used to enjoy watching “Judge Judy” together.

Showed Her Love Through Cooking

My grandmother showed her love to others by cooking them stuff.

She was a wonderful cook. Many people in the Broad Top still rave about the pizzas and hoagies she used to make.

When she would bake raisin filled cookies, she would always make me pineapple filled since I didn’t like raisins. They were wonderful!

She also made the best homemade noodles I have ever tasted and everyone in the extended family loved her Ham Pot Pie. Many times when she came to visit she would bring a plate of Monkey Bread that we all loved.

A Confidant

Running a Pizza Shop in the 60’s and 70’s, she got to know many of the teens that hung out there.

Many confided in her about things. She often knew that babies were on the way long before the teens told their parents, or who was upset with their parents and who had a fight with their girlfriend.

Many times she would just listen and be supportive. Other times she would offer advice, telling them their parents loved them, they should go home and not drink anymore, they needed a friend to drive them, etc.

Everyone Has A Purpose

We all have a purpose here on earth. Some of us learn what our purpose is early and some just never figure it out.

My gram found hers – she was an angel on earth to her family and many of the teenagers that loved her like family.

Her legacy is three daughters and many grandchildren who all loved her.  We will continue to relish the memories we have of her and keep her alive in our hearts for years to come. I hope we can all live up to her standards.

Now our “Angel on Earth” is in Heaven watching over us.

I created a video tribute to my gram after her funeral.
Gram, I will always love and miss you.