At the start of school, it seemed like Senior Night was a long time away. Football season was 9 weeks long and we wouldn’t have to think about it for at least 6 or 7 weeks. Well time flies and before we knew it, It was senior night.
I was concerned about it, at our school if your child is in the band, a football player, or cheerleader, they are introduced on the field and escorted across the football field by their parents. While you are walking they talk about the student, their extracurricular activities, and their future plans. I was so afraid I would start crying and embarrass my son.
My knee was still giving me problems and I was fearful it would give out and I would fall and that would embarrass both of us.
I was emotional all day thinking about it. We met early at the school for pictures. Parents were presented with flowers.
His band director always takes lots of pictures and she took of all the seniors as a group, individually, and then with their parents. My son is in the first row, the first young man on the left side.

When the time came to walk across the field, I was fine. All smiles, I think. As we walked, I didn’t hear a thing the announcer was saying. All I was thinking was, “Please don’t let me fall, and please let me be able to keep up with them.” One nice thing was before we started across the field, Neal whispered to me, “Now walk slow because they have a lot to say about me.” Thank heavens he was in a lot of extra-curricular things!
I made it across the field and was a very proud mom to be escorting him. I just still can’t believe he is a senior and will be graduating. These last things are very hard. But the celebrations are fun!
How do they celebrate “Senior Night” in your school district?