Category Archives: Holiday

Are You Too Old To Hunt Eggs?

What do you have planned for Easter?

God’s Gift

When I think of Easter, I think of the wonderful gift God gave us in his son who died for our sins so

that we have a chance of eternal life.

We see bunnies, chicks and eggs everywhere.  It represents rebirth and renewal.

During the Easter holiday, I hope you allow yourself some relaxation time and time spent with family and friends.

A Fun Time

Easter is also a fun time.  I am fortunate to get to participate in fun Easter Egg hunts. My teenage son still “gives” us the pleasure of hiding eggs for him to hunt, and he still enjoys an Easter basket filled with Reeses’ Peanut Butter Eggs.

I love going to my parents’ house for our family’s Easter Egg hunt, where my siblings, their spouses or significant others, Mike, Neal and I all run around hunting for hidden goodies! It is very competitive, but fun.   I will never be too old for that! 🙂

How about you?   Do you still hunt Easter eggs?   How do you celebrate the Easter holiday?

Note:  Originally written in 2011.  We had egg hunts till my Dad passed in 2015.  I miss him and I miss the egg hunts at my parents home.