Lots of chocolate shared with friends! What could be better? How about a little exercise to combat all the calories in the chocolate. Sounds like a “Chocolate Walk” to me.
Second Year
Last year a group of us attended the first ever, Bedford Chocolate Walk. It was loads of fun and we enjoyed the event and all the chocolate, especially the chocolate soup! So we were eager to experience the event again. The day tickets went on sale, we purchased them before they sold out! We knew we would have another great time, but would it be as fun as the first year?
We were not disappointed. The weather even cooperated and it was a bit warmer allowing us to enjoy being outside and walking.
This year’s event was held on Feb. 2 in downtown Bedford, PA. When we arrived we had to sign in and we each received a wristband indicating we were a part of the Chocolate Walk.
Willy Wonka
Willy Wonka was around the town again this year to greet everyone.
The Oompa Loompa’s were not far behind.
Hunting for Chocolate
As we visited from business to business, each had something chocolate for us to enjoy. There were cookies, brownies, candy kisses, ice cream, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, things to dip in chocolate and so much more.
Last year The Golden Eagle Inn had a wonderful chocolate soup. I was hoping for the same treat this year, but instead, they had another delicious surprise for us. Bacon wrapped dates drizzled with a chocolate sauce. They were wonderful! One of our favorite treats for the day.
Interesting Chocolate Combination
One of the most interesting chocolate combinations we found was the hot peppers dipped in a chocolate fountain.
Photo Booth
We made a stop at Hebrews Coffee Company and enjoyed a frozen hot chocoate treat and had our picture taken in their photo booth.
Pretty Bottles
We visited the Oak Spring Winery and found some wonderful libations! Loved these bottles for Valentine’s Day.
Chocolate Houses
ReMax had cute little houses made of chocolate.
They had milk, dark, and white chocolate. What a great way for real estate agents to promote their business with chocolate.
Chocolate Painting
We tried our luck at chocolate painting again this year at Pigeon Hill Studios.
Kathy did an excellent job with her chocolate painting.
Three of us pose with our masterpieces.
Below is an example of someone else’s painting with chocolate. I loved the shadowing. They did an excellent job. This was used as an example for us to see the possibilities.
In the same Art Studio, there was an exhibit about breasts. Different people had made breasts and they were on display.
I found the notice tacked up with them to be amusing: “Tempting….just like the real ones. DO NOT TOUCH Clay Breasts”
Cute Display
The Backstage Alpaca Shop had a cute and humorous display for their chocolate. Chinese noodles representing straw and chocolate covered raisins representing…you can guess!
And this cute Alpaca was adorable.
Ice Sculpture
Something new this year was the ice sculptures.
We visited as the sculptor was just getting started.
We returned at the end of our walk after he had finished his masterpiece for a group photo.
Our last stop for the day was at the Olde Bedford Brewing Company. There we sampled a variety of beers, compliments of a friend who met us there.
We ended our day at Bad Boyz Bistro again this year for something besides chocolate!
Downtown Bedford, Inc. did an outstanding job of coordinating the Chocolate Walk 2019. It was wonderful to see so many businesses participating and welcoming visitors.
Read about last year’s walk, First Annual Chocolate Walk
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