On the day we visited the Louvre, we spent the evening walking from the Louvre through the Tuileries (sort of like an open park) to the Concorde and fountains.
Then we went across the pedestrian bridge over the Seine River and walked back along the river to take pictures of the various “Love-Lock” bridges.
“Love-Lock” Bridges
Lovers take a padlock and write their names, initials, date or message on the locks and then they lock the padlock to the bridge and throw away the key in the Seine River. It is an act that symbolizes undying love.
This is the primary “Love-lock Bridge.” It has so many locks on it, there is no room for additional, so they started a second bridge. Earlier in June, one of the railings of this bridge fell due to the weight of all the locks. It has since been repaired. The government is discouraging using padlocks but it has stopped the romantic tourists from continuing the tradition.
Below is the secondary “Love-lock Bridge” Not quite as many locks yet!
You and your sweetie can always visit and add a lock! That is what is on my list to do the next time we visit.
Yes I said next time. Hoping to return in two or three years. Neal plans to study abroad a year, and while he is there we are hoping to visit several countries.
This is the view from one of the bridges.
These bridges are considered to be some of the most romantic places to stroll with your loved one in Paris.
Didn’t realize it at the time, but while we were in Paris at these bridges, they were also being featured on the “Bold and the Beautiful” in America. Liam was remembering times with Hope as he was on the “Love-Lock” Bridge and Liam and Ivy were seen talking on the bridge. As a side-note, you can’t even watch the promo’s in Europe. I’m told they are several months behind the states in viewing soap operas therefore you can’t see any advertisements or spoilers.
I can tell you it is more fun to be seeing it in person than watching it on TV. The sites are every bit as beautiful as the shows make them appear.
Lots of walking that day and we were exhausted. A quick subway ride returned us to our apartment. It was a great day!
If you had the opportunity to go to Paris, would you put a lock on the bridge?
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